Maritsa Patrinos

Creative Strategy


2021 TikTok Campaign

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the breakfast cereal that prides itself on being "the most epic cinnamon and sugar combination ever”, with a philosophy that individuality is to be celebrated. They aim to deliver irresistible experiences you can feel through spontaneity, humor, and interactive play.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch’s new venture has been the development of a new IP, Cinnamojis. These are expressive characters designed with the intention to entertain and combat the boredom that came with being in lockdown during COVID-19.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch’s “Cinnamoji” IP

  • Make Cinnamojis a pillar of Gen Z culture and be the catalyst that ignites their imagination
  • Bust boredom by inviting TikTok users into the “Cinnaverse” with absurd ideas and creative challenges
  • Build outlets that help TikTok users ways to express their individuality, leveraging the Cinnaverse and Cinnamojis

Cinnamoji Face Match (Gamified Branded Effect)

Insight: We capitalized on an existing, popular, organic trend on the platform which utilizes emojis stickers and a specific music track for low barrier to entry participation. This face matching emoji trend had users making the faces depicted in a line of emoji stickers along to music.

The Branded Effect: Our effect took this platform insight and expanded it to an even more gamified version, using the Cinnamoji visuals. The effect picked randomized Cinnamojis to scroll onto the user's screen, and one at a time the user tried to match them as the speed and difficulty increased. It even scored how well the user matches the face.

Bella Poarch’s Face Match Video (Over 50 million views)

We invited TikTok creators to help show off the new effect.

  • General Mills’ first Gamified Branded Effect of 2021
  • Impressions: 100,965,484
  • Reach: 11,472,366
  • UGC Video Creations: 10,044
  • Effect Creators: 8,409
  • Video Views: 3,960,891
  • 2.9M vv on #CTCFaceMatch hashtag
  • High engagement, comments acted as live score boards as users tried to beat each other's high scores.

Maritsa Patrinos 2023