Maritsa Patrinos

Creative Strategy


World Kindness Day

KIND is a Mars product in the healthy snacking category, made with nutrient-dense ingredients – whole nuts, whole grains and whole fruit – and does not contain genetically engineered ingredients, sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners.

Since 2004, KIND has been on a mission to “create a kinder and healthier world – one act, one snack at a time.” It is a product inspired by the belief that acts of kindness can be a transformative force for good, the KIND brand seeks to inspire kindness and empathy.


  • KIND expressed interest in spending on TikTok in Q4 for the first time for World Kindness Day (November 13th) and wanted guidance on what they could do.
  • Ad Products considered: Top Feed (AKA One Day Max) video for the lead-up to World Kindness Day, Topview video on the actual day, and InFeed View afterward.
  • Looking for ideas that would utilize TikTok creators (no one specific in mind).
  • Little to no ecommerce, not even impulse buy or register purchase– Goal is mostly just awareness.
  • Directions to consider: sustainability plays, wholesome messaging, whole nutrition, values around kindness, purpose driven content.

KIND it forward

INSIGHT: "Pay it forward" is the butterfly effect of doing something generous for someone, in hopes that they will spread that sentiment to others. The same way that even unintentional negativity can infect others, kindness and positivity can offset it with just a small amount of conscious effort. These kinds of videos are popular on TikTok, for those who favor heartwarming content on their FYP.

IDEA: Activating "KIND it forward" on TikTok can take the form of a creator series, wherein a creator begins a chain of kindness on the platform by sending another creator a KIND gift cube for World Kindness Day. The recipient of the gift will film their reaction, and show their appreciation by gifting another gift cube to another creator, perhaps with their own spin on the gesture. This chain will continue for as long as desired among creators, until eventually one "KINDs it forward" to one of their followers. The hope is that then, that follower will keep the chain going in their own community and beyond.

What's your KIND language?

INSIGHT: Knowing your "love langauge" is a strong personal identifier among the TikTok community. Much like a horoscope, your love language categorizes you into a certain personality type, helping you make sense of the ways that you interact with others. For example, if you know your love language is "acts of service", it makes it easier to look up resources on what you need in a partner, how to build better relationships, and what you need to forge stronger bonds with the people you love.

IDEA: KIND can put a small twist on this popular concept, and shift it to be more broad and applicable to every day interactions by putting together categories of "KIND languages". In an InFeed Series, KIND can go through the small ways a person can give and receive kindness to both loved ones and strangers and ultimately make the world a little happier of a place to live in. This could feature things like acknowledgement (eye contact, smiles, and other small ways of making people feel seen), favors (holding the door open, saving a place in line, helping someone carry something, and other conscious efforts to make peoples' day easier), compliments (praise for peoples' efforts, aesthetics, or ideas), and last but not least, offerings (considerate notes, unexpected gifts, and of course, a KIND bar). This way we can get the the sentiment of spreading kindness on peoples' minds, while also making the product synonymous with these efforts.

KIND partnered with TikTok and Creators to launch a first ever Q4 Auction Campaign with the goal of building awareness for World Kindness Day. Here are two pieces of creative that were run both as Top View and InFeed Video.

KIND’s main video was a bit of a fusion of both thoughtstarters, taking the ever successful “listicle” format to outline five easy things someone can do to spread kindness and empathy. This video launched in anticipation of World Kindness Day.

Video by @kindsnacks

On actual World Kindness Day (11/3), KIND’s TikTok creative was a video outlining their collaboration with Beast Philanthropy to give away 100,000 KIND products. The video ended with a CTA for viewers to perform their own act of kindness.

Video by @kindsnacks

  • TikTok’s first ever Q4 Auction Campaign with the goal of building awareness for World Kindness Day
  • KIND usually does not spend past September 30th, but we were able to sell them in this additional last-second opportunity with my "acts of KINDness" ideas.
  • Impressions: 11.01M
  • Reach: 4.4M
  • 2s & 6s VTR’s outperformed TikTok Food & Bev IFV Ads benchmarks of 15.04%—19.12% for 2s VTR and 3.01%-4.10% for 6s VTR
Maritsa Patrinos 2023